Pak court expected to announce verdict in Imran Khan & wife’s marriage case

A Pakistan court is expected to announce on Saturday its verdict in a case challenging the ‘un-Islamic’ marriage of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan to his third wife, Bushra Bibi.

Bibi’s first husband, Khawar Maneka, had filed the case, alleging that she violated the Islamic practice of observing the mandatory pause or Iddat between two marriages.

Maneka also accused his ex-wife and Khan of being in an adulterous relationship before marriage, a crime punishable by death by stoning.

Islamabad’s Senior Civil Judge Qudratullah conducted the hearing in Adiala Jail Rawalpindi where Khan has been held since September last year due to different cases.

He concluded the hearing on Friday night after a marathon 14-hour-long hearing.

On Friday, the cross-examination of the four prosecution witnesses was completed, while Khan, 71, and Bibi, 49, submitted a joint statement, answering 13 questions.

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