Nitish Kumar ducks queries about rumours of major organisational change in JD (U)

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday ducked queries about rumours of major organisational change in his Janta Dal (U) ahead of a crucial two-day party conclave which will begin in Delhi later in the day.

The JD (U) supremo in a brief interaction with journalists before boarding his flight to Delhi asserted that the party meet in Delhi was ‘normal’.

“These meetings take place every year. It’s normal…there is nothing specific at all. These are routine meetings”, said the CM when journalists sought his views on rumours of major organisational change in JD(U) during the two-day party conclave.

His remark came in the backdrop of rumours that Kumar’s key aide Rajiv Ranjan Singh ‘Lalan’ has told the former that he wanted to step down as JD(U) national president.

The CM evaded a direct reply when asked whether Lalan was likely to make a formal offer of his resignation at the JD(U)’s crucial meetings scheduled in Delhi on December 29.

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