The robustness of India’s political system

Civil society requires an acceptance of rules, regulations and practices for the orderly conduct of affairs. These rules, regulations and practices may or may not be documented but they are generally composed of items which everyone agrees to confirm.

A commonly referred example is the fact that the United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, yet it manages to conduct its affairs in a fairly orderly fashion. This requires a great deal of self-regulation and the ability to allow matters to function together, even in disagreement. This enables the orderly conduct of affairs with or without agreement and with mutual respect. It is a significant achievement.

Compared to this, there are some countries with written constitutions that find it difficult to conduct their affairs in an orderly manner and often have to resort to courts. Appealing to the courts itself is an acceptable method of conflict resolution, even though it may be seen as a less evolved order than working with mutual agreement.

The ability to manage oneself and manage disagreements is a significant constituent trait of civil society. In extreme cases, withdrawal from participation is known to happen, but this needs to be an exception rather than the rule. Put simply, agreeing to disagree is a gentlemanly art which only the evolved can practice.

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