Real liberation comes from transcending divisions and recognising our spiritual identity, a path that leads to peace, harmony, and tranquility
More than seven decades after we attained independence from the British, we are still enslaved- trapped in the bondage of caste, creed, religion, regionalism etal. This has created deep fissures in society, destroying the democratic fabric of amity, harmony and peaceful co-existence. All this is there because as individuals, society and a nation, we have not attained real or to say ultimate freedom that promotes peace, harmony and happiness.
What is real or ultimate freedom? It is a state of not being enslaved to physical senses, to mind and its desires. It means breaking free from toxic thoughts and the vices associated with it. We need freedom from prejudices of caste, creed and religion, greed and selfishness, anger and animosity, hate and hostility.
But then why are we failing to achieve real freedom and how can we attain it? Real freedom is eluding us because we are facing an identity crisis. We don’t know our real identity. In reality, we are spiritual beings (having soul-based identity) in body form. But we make a fallacy of treating ourselves as a body and this unreal world as the real world.