Pushpa Kamal Dahal falls from grace

The new coalition, dominated by the pro-India Nepali Congress, will now be led by the communist leader Oli who will have a daunting task of ensuring political stability

Politicians have been grabbing the power by following Machiavavillan principle of showing complete disrespect to means, the morality and values.  This is true of Pushpa Kamal Dahal who  fell from the grace  after facing humiliating defeat while seeking trust vote in Nepal parliament.

While seeking trust vote in Nepal parliament, Prachnda faced the worst type of humiliating defeat as he got 63 votes (Rashtria Swatantra Party-21,CPN(US)-10 and his party-32)as against 194 votes of new coalition combination of Nepali Congress(89 MPs) and Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist)(78 MPs) which also got support from other smaller parties like Rastriya Prajatantra Party(RPP),Janata Samajwadi Party(Upendra faction) etc. in the house of 275 where majority mark was 138 only. Oli has staked claim after president Ram Chandra Poedel invited the political parties having strength to form the government.

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