Navigating THE World Of Extremes

Yoga meditation, combined with values, is our best hope for navigating these turbulent times

The world we live in today is full of extremists who seek to exert control over humanity. Unfortunately, a large part of the population is now influenced by factions that adopt agitative approaches to fulfil their social, economic, political, or religious demands. They are termed extremists because they abandon moderation, resorting to over-activism, and in many cases, extreme violence. These groups are willing to go to any lengths to ensure their voices are heard and their demands met by the authorities. They disrupt public peace, and their activities reflect over-assertiveness, rigid attitudes, and a lack of appreciation for the views and interests of other communities or groups. In the process, what often gets sacrificed is any possibility of dialogue or mutual understanding, leading to a cycle of retaliation and resentment.

A closer look at society today reveals that, to some extent, we are all extremists in one way or another. Science and technology are racing toward their extremes. Trade, commerce, and consumerism have adopted a global, expansive form, becoming multinational and mega-scale. The world’s largest corporations have achieved levels of influence and control that were once unimaginable. Corporate expansion and monopolistic behaviour continue to push the boundaries of ethics, often leaving smaller businesses struggling to survive.

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