The report underscores the need for robust monitoring, effective execution of plantation drives and third-party certification of carbon stock to meet India’s climate commitments
Forest Survey of India has been releasing biannual reports on the status of Indian forests. The last report was released on December 31, 2021, and the current report which was due in December 2023, has been released after a year’s delay. The highlight of the report is that total forest cover has been increased from 7,15,187 square km (2021 assessment) to 7, 15,343 square km (current assessment), which is now 21.76 per cent of the total geographical area of the country. Also, the tree cover, which comprises trees along the linear infrastructures and also in agricultural fields up to one hectare is increased by 1289 square km, which is 3.41 per cent of the total geographical area of the country. The net increase of forest cover and tree cover is 1445 square km in two years period till 2023.