Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on Congress and its ally, the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu, on Katchatheevu and ‘Shakti’ remarks, accusing them of keeping the “country in the dark” over the former and charged them with ill-treatment of women.
He especially singled out the DMK over alleged corruption, saying the Dravidian party had the “first copyright” on the issue and added the “family” was intent on looting the state, in an apparent reference to the party’s first family, headed by its president and Chief Minister M K Stalin.
“The DMK has the first copyright on corruption, the entire family is looting Tamil Nadu,” he said at an election rally here, while canvassing votes for NDA candidates, including BJP nominees for the April 19 Lok Sabha elections in the state.
He further charged the DMK with being “a family company,” that was impeding the progress of the state’s youth with its “old mindset.”